Wonderful World of Melrose and Bill
Monday, July 29, 2024
      ( 8:39 PM ) melrose  
Hello to everyone. We just returned from a 5 day trip to Vancouver Island, where we visited my "Long Time" school friend, Ned. and her Husband, John. They now live in a Seniors complex in Victoria It is always so fun to reminice about the "Old Days". We also visited one of our neighbours, Loralee, who lived across the alley from us when we lived on Bernard Avenue in Kelowna. She also lives in a very nice Senior's complex.We really enjoyed time sitting on the Beach watching the waves rolling in. ... so beautiful. The only problem ~ I did not have my camera to show pictures of Beautiful scenery. #

Friday, February 02, 2024
      ( 8:34 PM ) melrose  
We have been having unusual cloud formations over the river in the early morning. This morning ... before 8:00 a,m. the river was covered with thick fog .... and by 9:30 or so ... the fog lifts and the sun shines.

Thursday, February 01, 2024
      ( 2:36 PM ) melrose  
Hi, to all Blog Viewers. Hope you are all well and enjoying the New Year of 2024. All is well here. Everyone is fine and I'm still behind in posting information , as usual. Actually, I turned 80 years of age in January of 2023 ... and am now 81 years. So, can proclaim that the "Behind time" has a legitimate reason". See how fast time goes? ... at least in my world. The pictures were taken yesterday in Riverside Park. A Beautiful park that is right downtown on the shores of the Thompson River. Our "Senior Centre" is also there where we play Floor Curling.Looking North. The picture includes the North Thompson River with the town of North Kamloops on the Left. The new Green washrooms are in the park.
- Click on picture to enlarge.- #

Monday, January 08, 2024
      ( 8:53 PM ) melrose  
We enjoyed a Beautiful Christmas with the entire family together. It was wonderful. A delicious traditional Christmas Dinner with Turkey and all the trimmings at our place on the 25th cooked by Susan and Ellen. On Boxing day we all went out to the Shuswap at Meadow Creek to Jim and Ellen's for another Delicious Dinner again cooked by Ellen and Susan.How wonderful to have daughter in laws that are excellent cooks and take over all cooking duties. Thank you, to both of you. Just some of the group went snowshoeing on the snowshoe trails that Jim and Ellen have cleared over summer and Fall. Only those who don't mind the cold went on the snowshoe journey.

Sunday, January 07, 2024
      ( 8:35 AM ) melrose  
January 7th 2024 ~ oh, my this past year has just flown past and here we are with another year gone by. It has been an extremely busy year ~ Bill and I have enjoyed good health ~ good weather ... and have kept busy doing many things we enjoy.... like grocery shopping ~ the essential ~ ... where we most often go together, I love to read, ~ something I never had time for as a child. I now knit ... (only dishcloths) do embroidery and decide what quilt to make next. We both Floor curl,twice a week (Tuesday, Friday). We often enjoy going on a 'day drive' to many local areas. We are fortunate to have such beautiful scenery in every direction. Some are provincial Parks within easy driving distance ...We just pack a lunch and go...We are also fortunate to have hiking trails ...some almost within walking distance of our house. We really should hike daily... but don't always get to it... we'll try, now that it is the New Year to boost us along. The first photo is the Bluff at Paul Lake a provincial Park near Kamloops~ the following 3 pictures are of the devastating wild fire destruction at Shuswap Lake.Many homes and summer cabins were destroyed in the fire.

Monday, August 28, 2023
      ( 2:49 PM ) melrose  
Our team: Myself, Bill, Elaine and Kevin. People we have met from Floor Curling these past years.

      ( 2:47 PM ) melrose  
Hi, everone. My, Goodness ~ we are having a busy summer. We just returned from the + 55 B.C. Summer Games in Abbotsford B.C. .. where we placed 4th in Floor Curling competition.The floor curling was fun .. and we enjoyed the comradery but the Highlight of the 5 days was the Evening entertainment. A "Young Peoples", Symphony ~ playing wonderfully interesting music,~ Young Dancers from 2 Dance schools,~ Girls skipping ropes and doing Handstands at the same time. ~ unbelievable.Sometimes 5-6 girls jumping long ropes. Abbotsford certainly has very nice parkland and large buildings for all the venues. They also have a nice water fountain in their Hill Lake. We were fortunate to see it all... we also had quick visits with Glen, Susan and girls.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023
      ( 7:58 AM ) melrose  
More pictures from our Family Reunion and Golf Tournament in Kimberley ~ August 7th, 8th, and 9th.2023.
The youngest member of the family was Easton, 8 years old who came with his Grandma and Grandpa. Easton is from Alberta and his grandparents are from near St. Louis Saskatchewan.Bill was the Eldist family member at 84 years of age.


Information from Melrose and Bill

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